Free monthly membership to help you build a consistent spiritual practice

Hey, Sweet Soul,

Do you know how amazing you are?

Seriously, your sparkle and uniqueness are hard to miss.

I see your bright, shiny light hidden beneath the drama of being human — that special something in you, even when life gets a bit crazy.

Your journey, no doubt, has had its share of twists and turns, but you’ve handled it like a champ. Every experience along the way has played a part in shaping the fantastic person you are today.

Now, I get this feeling that you’re hungry for more in life – more love, excitement, creativity, confidence, wisdom, and a dash of the mystic. Well, guess what? Those mystical experiences, intuitive insights, and a sense of wonder aren’t just for a select few. They’re within reach for anyone ready to invite a bit of magic into their everyday routine.

I want you to believe in your amazing gifts, know that the Universe has your back, and understand that your life is meant to be an incredible adventure. Embrace your spiritual side, and you’ll tap into a whole new level of mystic wonder.

If you’d like some support to embrace the next stage of your spiritual life, keep reading! We’ve got you covered.

michele sammons hey sweet soul

The trikiest part about crafting a spiritual life is going with the flow and letting it grow and change as you do.

Have you found that as you’ve grown, your beliefs, values, and understanding of your spirituality have shifted?

The challenge is staying open to these changes instead of holding tight to the old stuff, so your spiritual path keeps up with your ever-changing self. If your soul is encouraging you to continue exploring your personal growth and expansion Flourish would be perfect for you!

Flourish is a totally FREE monthly membership to give you the tools, prompts, support and community you need to build a consistent spiritual practice.

It’s perfect for you if you’re a seasoned seeker or professional mystic who is eager for spiritual support and guidance that you can devour at your own pace and fit into your busy life when convenient for you.

You’ll get weekly-ish content to inspire you and help you sprinkle the fun back into your spiritual life!

Each month you’ll get the invitation to spend more time with your beautifulsoul.

You’ll receive the following gifts:

michele sammons a monthly zoom call

A Monthly Zoom Call

where you’ll meet with like-hearted women all committed to living a spiritual life. Can’t make it to the call? No worries! Replay recordings will be available!

michele sammons a guided meditation 

A Guided Meditation

to help you deepen your connection to your intuition and bring it all home to yourself so it finally feels real.

michele sammons soul food video(s)

Soul Food Video(s)

where I will personally walk you through how to embrace a modern, contemporary version of spirituality which means you can live in the real world and still have a great spiritual life.

Plus you’ll get some extras sprinkled in here and there like:

michele sammons weekly journal questions

Weekly Journal Questions

to help you use self-inquiry to release your emotions and explore the inner workings of your heart and soul.

michele sammons weekly affirmations

Weekly Affirmations

to help you appreciate the magnificence, value and beauty of who you are.

michele sammons plus various downloadables

Fun Downloadable Surprises

with practices to try, outings to go on and book recommendations so you can delve even deeper into your spiritual practice.

The best thing about Flourish is the community of women you’ll meet all with a common craving for spirit.

Living a spiritual life can sometimes feel isolating if no one else in your family or community are into the same things you are.

With Flourish you’ll be able to find your soul sisters! A group which are all here to lift each other up and encourage each other to fold our spiritual lives into our ordinary lives so we all can live more joyfully!

michele sammons flourish community

I want you to know that, as a part of Flourish, I’m committed to seeing your life, dreams, and well-being take flight.

I don’t have all the answers but I do have lots of ideas to help you navigate your human and spiritual life. I promise, you’ll forge an even stronger connection with your soul becoming a master of intuition, gaining the confidence and peace of mind you crave. Plus, you’ll be part of a loving community that’s there to cheer you on every step of the way.

flourish preview

How the membership works

Each month you’ll receive an email with links to download your content guide and calendar. No complicated logins or apps required!

You’ll easily see what’s coming up in the schedule for the month and also learn all about that month’s soul-stirring theme. You can explore at your own pace when and where it’s convenient for you. No deadlines and no pressure. Easy-peasy!

Feel free to print it out and pin it up on your wall or keep it in a handy place to remind you to regularly nurture your spiritual practice!

The membership is completely free (no hidden catches) and you can unsubscribe at any time.

I know you’re yearning for connection to your soul and to hear your own inner wisdom.

Some of the benefits you can expect from Flourish include:

  • finally building the habit of a consistent daily spiritual practice.
  • soulful ideas, inspiration, prompts and support at your fingertips.
  • inviting in more play, joy, fun and lightness into your life.
  • finding a community of other intuitive people who understand you.
  • practices to explore at your leisure, from the comfort of your home.
  • slowing down, getting off autopilot and living more intentionally.
  • learning how to be more calm and centered, no matter what.
  • feeling more confident hearing and trusting your intuition.
  • taking your gifts to the next level through consistent practice.
  • monthly access to me to ask your burning spiritual questions.
michele sammons benefits of flourish

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I join?

As soon as you join you’ll get a welcome email with the current month’s content guide and calendar. Feel free to catch up on the content if you’re joining us mid-month. You’ll also see dates and links for when the monthly Zoom call is taking place. Feel free to explore the content at your own pace.

What time will the Zoom calls take place?

We’re keeping things friendly and flexible with our Zoom calls! Each month, I’ll mix things up to make sure everyone can join. We’ve got daytime, evening, and even some weekend slots. Don’t stress, you’ll always get a heads-up about when to hop on. And if life gets in the way, no problem! We’ll have recordings so you can catch up whenever suits you best.

What level of experience do I need to take part?

The best part about Flourish is that it’s a warm and welcoming space, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey. Whether you’re just dipping your toes in or you’ve been searching for that deeper connection with your intuition, I’ve got you covered. I’m all about talking in plain language, no moon phases, crystals, or altars here. I break down those big ideas into simple, understandable bits and share practical ways to sprinkle some spirituality into your life. And for those who’ve been on this path a bit longer, you can dive deeper and really supercharge your energetic growth. So, no matter where you’re at, you’re in the right place.

What if I’ve tried a bunch of other programs and they haven’t worked?

If you’ve given other programs a shot and they didn’t quite do the trick, take a deep breath and relax. No need to put extra pressure on yourself here! With Flourish, we’re all about making spirituality a delightful and enjoyable journey, not a daunting one. There’s nothing to fear, and trust me, we’re going to have a blast!

Here’s the scoop: You don’t have to commit to 2-hour meditation marathons. If you’ve only got 5 minutes a day, that’s absolutely perfect. Start with what you’ve got and let it grow over time. The key is consistency, not length. So, let’s focus on building a daily practice that suits you and feels just right.

What happens if I want to cancel/unsubscribe?

If Flourish is not for you simply click the link to unsubscribe at the bottom of your monthly email. No hard feelings. 🙂

And, if you want to stay on my newsletter email and only opt out of Flouish, that’s okay too.

flourish membership

Discover a free and safe space to uncover a depth of knowing that you didn’t realize exists within you.

Join now and you’ll get instant access to this month’s content to start exploring!